Get Download National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Why (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books) Online Book

Free Download National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Why (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books) Online Book PDF

By Amy Shields

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Why (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books)

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“A real book is not one that we read, but one that reads us.” -W.H. Auden


Linking to a popular feature in the super successful National Geographic Little Kids magazine, this book brings the browsable fun of the bestselling National Geographic Kids Almanac to a new audience: preschoolers! Using an interactive question-and-answer format and content grounded in a child's immediate world, the Big Book of Why delivers lively information, hands-on games, simple recipes, crafts, and more. What makes a car go? How does mushy dough become a crispy cookie? What does the doctor...